…of being used and getting sick of it…

She called… Asked if she could come over. So I said it…

Me: “You got laundry?”
She: “yeah… is that okay?”

What can I say? I told her she could use it anytime. I just thought I might see her without a laundry basket every now and then.

Me: “Sure”
She: “Okay see you later”

Then she stayed until she had to leave ( she was WAY late for work ) and I finished her laundry so she could haul ass to work…

I have a baby shower to attend tomorrow. I don’t know if I will see her before I leave.

You’re welcome.

Then she spent the whole time here bitching about her freeloading roommate who never has money, doesn’t do chores, who doesn’t pay her enough to live there…

I told her that I sure understand… I don’t think she got it.

I really don’t.

And she talked about how her boyfriend is being stolen by said roommate… A guy who has similar interests…

Really… I do feel bad.

I hate all people.

But Miharu and Jiru made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when they came over.

And I SO totally got my boob grabbed during a huh… I was totally on accident… But it was hilarious. I love you… you know I say all this in jest.

And The other she worries me around my niece and nephew… I worry that the almost 30-year-old will want to go pervert commando on one or both of my 13-year-old niece and nephew… We will talk about this issue tomorrow…

I am sooo tired…

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